Job Sales Profit Report

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The Job Sales Profit report lists Jobs with their profit values. The report criteria allows you to select the data sampling parameter as a Sale Date, Deposit Date, or Contract Date.  The report excludes Jobs in the Not Proceeding state.

  1. Open the library with reports.
  2. Select Job Sales Profit.
  3. Define criteria for generating the report, as follows:

Based On Select the appropriate date type which will be used to calculate the Job Sales Profit report.
Date From … To … Select the date period for report generation.

4. When complete, click Apply. The system generates the report, as follows:

The report shows the following information about sales profit for each Job:

Report Information
JobJob number including the Office’s number as prefix.
Client / SiteName of the Client and Site which the Job attributes to.
Contract AmountContract amount of the Job.
BudgetBudget of the Job.
Estimated ProfitEstimated profit of the Job. It is calculated as subtraction of the budget from the contract amount.

The total value is shown below each column.

Updated on 5 November, 2021

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