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Warranty Tasks for Job Report

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The Warranty Tasks for Job report lists warranty tasks for all or for a specific Job. The report can be outputted in the report format for Office use or in the letter format which can be sent to the Customer.

  1. Open the library with reports.
  2. Select Maintenance Tasks for Job.
  3. Define criteria for generating the report, as follows:
  • Job Select ‘All’ to generate the report on warranty tasks for all Jobs. Select ‘Selected’ and specify the Job which warranty tasks you want to see in the generated report.
    Tasks Select the appropriate option to include warranty tasks into the report:
    • All – includes all warranty tasks for the Job.
    • All outstanding – includes all outstanding warranty tasks for the Job.
    • Outstanding for more than – includes all warranty tasks that outstand for more than the specified time period.
      Style Select the report style:
    • Report format – the report will be generated in the generic report format for the Office use.
    • Letter format – the report will be generated in the letter format for sending to the Customer.

4. When complete, click Apply.

The system generates the report. The report format looks as follows:

The report shows the following information about warranty tasks per Job:

Report Information
JobJob number including the Office’s number as prefix.
ClientName of the Client who the Job attributes to and address.
SiteAddress of the Site which the Job attributes to.
ContactContact phone number of the Client.
EnteredDate when the warranty task was created.
TaskNumber of the warranty task.
DescriptionDescription of the warranty task.
ContractorContract who the warranty task is assigned to.
CompletedDate which the warranty task was completed.

The report shows the aggregated view of warranty tasks per Job.

The letter format looks as follows:

The set of information is similar to the report format.

Updated on 11 November, 2021

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