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Manager System Variables

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  1. To configure Manager variables, on the navigational sidebar, select Setup.
  2. Once the Setup section expands, select System Variables.
  3. On the tabbed menu, select Manager.

The page opens as follows:

The Manager variables fall into the two groups, as follows:

  1. Cost Centers for WIP Reporting
  2. Builder’s Insurance

The Cost Centers for WIP Reporting group displays the following information:

Commission Cost CenterSelect the Cost Center related to commissions.
Interest Cost CenterSelect the Cost Center related to the company interest.
Sales Profit Forecast (YTD) Default GP% to be


Used Prior to There Being Any Finalized Jobs is, %”

Enter the percent which the system will use in reports before finalizing any jobs in a Financial Year. This way the system will automatically validate whether the sales profit forecast (YTD) is met.

The Builder’s Insurance group display the following information:

Use this FacilityCheck the box to use a specific facility for the Builder’s insurance.
Exclude Change OrdersCheck the box to exclude the change orders from the Builder’s insurance.
CompanySelect the Cost Center which relates to the Builder’s insurance company.
Policy/Cert NoEnter the insurance policy or certificate number.
Start DateEnter the start date of the Builder’s insurance policy or certificate.
Reporting MethodSelect the reporting method from the following options:


  • 12 Month Fixed Date
  • 12 Month Rolling Date
Annual Aggregate Amount (Tax Exclusive), $Enter the amount of tax paid as a proportion of the pretax amount.

If you modify parameters, click Process to confirm modifications.

Updated on November 6, 2021

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