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Job Trading Account Report Report

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The Job Trading Account report provides a financial position of the Job.

  1. Open the library with reports.
  2. Select Job Trading Account Report.
  3. Define criteria for generating the report, as follows:
Job Select the Job which the report is generated for.

4. When complete, click Apply. The system generates the report, as follows:

The report shows the following information:

Report Information
Revised BudgetEstimated cost of the Job.
Less Total InvoicesSum of the account balances.
VarianceAmount variance between the revised budget and less total invoices figures.
Estimated ProfitJob profit which is calculated as subtraction of the estimates cost from the contract cost of the Job.
Actual Profit to DateActual profit to the date. It is calculated as subtraction of total invoice balances and less total invoices from the total invoice amounts (with GST).
Original ContractContract amount of the Job (without GST).
PLUS Change OrdersSum of Change Order amounts added to the Job.
Current Contract PriceContract price which is calculated as sum of original contract and Change Order amounts.
LESS Draws PaidDraw amount paid by the customer. It is calculated as subtraction of total invoice balances from the total invoice amounts.
Balance to ReceiveThe balance to be paid by the customer. It is calculated as subtraction of Less Draws paid amounts from the current contract price.
Updated on 5 November, 2021

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