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Job Construction Schedule Report

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The Job Construction Schedule report generates the list of tasks within a specific Construction Schedule in the basic or worksheet format.

  1. Open the library with reports.
  2. Select Job Construction Schedule.
  3. Define criteria for generating the report, as follows:

Schedule Select the schedule which the report is generated for.
Format Select the format for report generation.

4. When complete, click Apply. The report in the basic format is generated, as follows:

The report shows the following information:

Job Details


JobJob number including the Office’s number as prefix.
SiteSite where the construction work is performed.
HouseHouse plan used for the Job construction.
Floor AreaFloor area of the House.
StartStart date of the Job.
ClientName of the Client who the Job attributes to.
AddressAddress of the Client.
ContactContact email address of the Client.
PhonePhone number of the Client.
FaxFax number of the Client.


Task / Sub-taskDescription of the Critical Path stage or description of the sub-task.
Start on Day NDay which the Critical Path stage starts on.
End on Day NDay which the Critical Path stage ends on.
Supplier / ResourceSupplier or Resource that performs the sub-task.
Order DateDate when the sub-task was ordered.
StartStart date of the sub-task.
FinishFinish date of the sub-task.
DoneCompletion status of the Critical Path stage or of the sub-task.

The report in the worksheet format is generated, as follows:

The set of information in this report format is identical to the basic format.

Updated on November 5, 2021

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