New features to manage your sales pipeline and nurture clients

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Known Issues

Updated 19 Jan 2023

We’ve received a lot of feedback and we’re aware of the following known issues:

Notice on the Leads Board and Follow-Up Dates
Previously, the Follow-Up Date was a simple date field that was not tied to any recordable event in the system. With the recent update, this field now displays the date of the earliest sales activity that has not been “Marked as done”. If you see a red card on the leads board, but have an activity scheduled for a future date you need to complete the activity by editing it and clicking “Mark as done” in the bottom left corner of the activity. You will then be prompted to schedule a future follow-up date.

IN PROGRESS: Missing details in Communications
Messages and emails in the Communications tab are not displaying for some people. No emails have been lost and we will be reimporting them shortly.

IN PROGRESS: Changing start/end dates on activities
If you change the start date of an activity it does not automatically update the end date so you need to change two dates. This will be addressed in a future release.

RESOLVED: Some sales reports not working
Some people are unable to view the Activities in Pipeline and Client Activities reports.

RESOLVED: Website leads missing contact name on leads board
The addressee field is missing some lead cards on the leads board.

RESOLVED: Different start date on activity and leads board
In some instances, the start date might be different between the activity and the leads board. This is due to a difference in the server time (UTC + 0) and the local office timezone.

RESOLVED: Website leads not highlighted blue
Web leads are highlighted in red because a past-due follow-up activity exists.

RESOLVED: Unable to produce Sales Management report
Offices are not able to run the sales management report.

RESOLVED: Notes field limited to 64 characters
The Notes field in the Activities window is currently limited to 64 characters. This was a mistake and is currently being increased to 1,000. We’re also looking to increase the height of this row so that you see more information.

We appreciate your feedback and patience while we address these issues. Please continue to report any other issues to your primary support contact or by sending an email to

Quick launch summary

We previously shared some of the new sales and CRM features we’ve been working on. Today, we’re excited to introduce the new Activity Manager functionality to supersede Sales Folder Meetings. Watch this video for a demo of how it works and check out the release notes for a list of all software changes.

Who’s impacted 

All users with access to create/edit Leads and Sales Folders.

Why you’d use it

Managing your sales pipeline is important because it allows you to have a clear view of the current status of potential deals and prioritize your efforts effectively. Keeping track of customer interactions with the new Activity Manager will help ensure no potential sales slip through the crack and that your team is focusing on the most promising opportunities. 

Additional details 

The big change here was replacing Sales Folder Meetings with Activities. Here’s a summary of each change:

  • Meetings are now Activities: We’ve replaced everywhere you see the word “Meeting” with “Activity including all tables, headers, toggles, and reports.
  • Updated Activity window: We added a ton of new fields to the activity window so you always have more relevant information when managing your pipeline.
  • Prompts to schedule activities: Not only can you mark an activity as being completed, when you do so it will prompt you to schedule the next activity. 
  • Pipeline management: Each activity has a scheduled start date. Now in tables that show them, overdue activities are highlighted in red so you can quickly see if someone needs to be followed up with.
  • Google Calendar: When you add a guest to a meeting-type activity it will send them a Google Calendar invitation.
  • Integration with To-Do Messages: When activities are scheduled it will also create a To-Do message.

Now when you add a new activity you have new fields to add more context to the interaction.

When you’ve completed the activity you can Mark it as done.

When you mark an activity as Done it will prompt you to schedule a follow up activity. 

Activities are now also visible on the Communications tab. Overdue activities that have not been completed are highlighted in red. 

Getting started

There are no end-user settings for these features.


These features are ready to be used by anyone who already has access to create/edit Leads and Sales Folders.


These features were listed as an upcoming software release.

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