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Job Financials

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You can get a view of the financial position for a specific Job. The system allows you to alter the view between the draws, actual expenses, and trading account.

To view the Job Financials:

  1. On the navigational sidebar, select Jobs.
  2. Once the navigation menu expands, select Job Financials. The Job Financials page opens, as follows:
  3. Click the Find  icon.
  4. In the Find Job form, select the Job which financials you want to view.
  5. Click Add Selected.

The financial information for the selected Job loads, as follows:

By default, the system shows the Draws tab. Here you can see all the active Draws except the reversed Draws. To show reversed Draws, select the All (incl. Reversed) radio button.

The following information is displayed:

Job General Information

JobThe Job number (including the Office code as a prefix).
CustomerCustomer who the Job was created for.
Site AddressAddress of the Site which the Job attributes to.


InvoiceNumber of the invoice.
DateDate when the draw was made.
TypeType of the invoice, as follows:


  • Claim
  • CO (change order)
  • CrNote (Credit Note / Overpayment Invoice)
DescriptionDescription of the draw that may be constructed, as follows:


  • for Draws – stage number and stage name. If the Draw is the Lender’s Schedule, the sequence number is shown.
  • for CO – Change Order number and name.
  • for CrNote – description of the overpayment invoice.
AmountDraw amount in dollars.
BalanceBalance after making a draw.

Below the list with Draws, you can see totals for the Job, as follows:

ContractTotal contract amount in dollars.
VariationsTotal amount of Change Orders that were added for the Job.
Total DrawsTotal amount drawn.
CrNotesOverpayment amount (if applicable).

Here you can  also see the list of Invoices for the selected Job:

Receipt NoReceipt number.
DateDate of the invoice.
AmountAmount of the invoice.

Viewing the Draw details

  1. To view details for a specific Draw, hover over the Draw until the actions icons appear.
  2. Click the Open Draw icon. The page with the Draw details opens, as follows:

The set of available information will vary depending on the Draw type.

For the regular Draw, the following information will be shown:

Progress Draws, $Amount of the progress Draw at the current stage of construction.
Change Orders, $Amount of Change Orders in the Job (if applicable).
Total, $Total amount for the current Draw.
Paid, $Amount paid by the customer.
Balance, $Balance of the Draw.
Amount, $Contract amount of the Job.
DateDate when the Draw was made.
Claim RuleThe used Draw rule.
Claim RuleThe stage of the applied Draw rule.

Additional information about the Invoice includes the following:

Invoice NumberNumber of the Invoice.
Total Due, $Total due amount of the Invoice.
Invoiced to Date, $Amount of money that was invoiced to the current date.
Actual Data This Draw, $Amount of money to be drawn.
Recommended This Draw, $Recommended amount of money to be drawn.

If a memo was entered for the Invoice, it will be shown in the corresponding Memo area.

If you deal with the Draw of the Change Order type, the system will transition you to the Change Orders of the Job. For the details on this, please see the Variations page.

Viewing Expenses for the Job

While viewing the Draw, switch to the Expenses tab.

Here you can see the list of Cost Centers with the budget amount and actual expenses, and see the variance between these two figures.

For each Cost Center on the list, the following information is shown:

CC#Number of the Cost Center.
DescriptionDescription of the Cost Center.
Budget, $Budget allocated for the Cost Center.
Actual, $Actual expenses on the Cost Center..
Variance, $Variance between the actual expenses and the budget.

By default, the system shows all the used Cost Centers within the Job. You can use the filter to show only Cost Centers which actual expenses exceed the budget. Select the Actual > Budget option from the radio button group.

To show all Cost Centers with the non-zero cost, select the NonZero option from the radio button group.

Viewing the Trading Account for the Job

You can view the financial position of the Job. While viewing the Draw, switch to the Trading Account tab.

Here you can view the following information:

Revised BudgetEstimated cost of the Job.
Less Total InvoicesSum of the account balances.
VarianceAmount variance between the revised budget and less total invoices figures.
Estimated ProfitJob profit which is calculated as subtraction of the estimates cost from the contract cost of the Job.
Actual Profit to DateActual profit to the date. It is calculated as subtraction of total invoice balances and less total invoices from the total invoice amounts (with GST).
Original ContractContract amount of the Job (without GST).
PLUS Change OrdersSum of Change Order amounts added to the Job.
Current Contract PriceContract price which is calculated as sum of original contract and Change Order amounts.
LESS Draws PaidDraw amount paid by the customer. It is calculated as subtraction of total invoice balances from the total invoice amounts.
Balance to ReceiveThe balance to be paid by the customer. It is calculated as subtraction of Less Draws paid amounts from the current contract price.

Printing the Financial Documents for the Draw

You can initiate the printing of financial documents for the Draw.

  1. Open the Job which financial documents you want to print.
  2. In the top part of the screen locate the Print  button and click it.

Depending on the currently opened tab, the system will transition you to generation of the report in the reporting system.

Updated on 7 November, 2021

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