Job Details Report

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The Job Details report shows detailed information about the Job.

  1. Open the library with reports.
  2. Select Job Details.
  3. Define criteria for generating the report, as follows:

Job Select the Job which the report is generated for.

4. When complete, click Apply. The system generates the report, as follows:

The report shows the following information about the Job:


CustomerName of the customer who the Job was created for.
SiteSite (including its address) which the Job attributes to.


House PlanDescription specified in the Job Estimate.
TypeContract type used for the Job, as follows:

  • Contract
  • Speculative
  • Display/Show Home
  • Franchisee’s Own Home
  • Special Circumstances
  • Presold – Builders Finance
CouncilCounty that approves the building permit.
Finance CompanyFinance Company which the Job attributes to.
SalespersonSalesperson who created the Job.
Color ConsultantColor consultant who prepared the Job Color Selection for the Job.
EstimatorEstimator who prepared the Job Estimates.
SupervisorSupervisor who was assigned to track the progress on the Job.


Deposit DateDate when the deposit was added.
Authority to CommenceDate when the authority to commence was received.
Colour SelectionDate when the Color Selection was produced.
Finance ApprovedDate when the finance for the Job was approved.
ContractDate when the contract was signed off.
SaleDate when the sale was completed.
County ApprovedDate when the Job was approved by the county.
Schedule StartStart date of the Construction schedule.
Schedule SlabSlab date.
Schedule CompleteDate when the Job was completed.
Contractual Const TimeContractual construction time allocated for the Job.
Time Ext – LettersExtended time for letters.
Time Ext – Change OrdersExtended time for Change Orders.
Contractual CompletionContractual completion date of the Job.
CompletedDate when the Job was completed.
FinalisedDate when the Job was finalized.
Not ProceedingDate when the Job was set to the Not Proceeding state.


Contract AmountContract amount of the Job in dollars. This is a sum of the total Job amount and approved Change Orders.
VariationsAmount of approved Change Order in dollars.
TotalTotal sum of the Job including the Job Estimate and Estimated Gross Profit.
EstimateJob Estimate in dollars.
Estimated Gross ProfitEstimate gross profit of the Job in dollars.
OrderedSum of Job Orders in dollars.
InvoicedAccount balance of the Customer who ordered the Job.
ClaimedDrawn amount of money in dollars.


MemoMemo added for the Job.

Updated on 7 November, 2021

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