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Builder’s Insurance Report

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The Builder’s Insurance report generates a list of Jobs with details on the Builder’s Insurance.

  1. Open the library with reports.
  2. Select Builder’s Insurance.
  3. Define criteria for generating the report, as follows:
    Report uninsured Jobs Check the box to include only Jobs without the Builder’s Insurance into the report.

  4. When complete, click Apply. The report is generated, as follows:

The report shows the following information:

Report Information
JobJob number including the Office’s number as prefix.
ClientName of the Client who the Job attributes to.
Policy NumberPolicy number of the Builder’s Insurance.
Contract + Change Order AmountSum of the Contract amount and Change Orders.
Invoices PaidInvoice amount that was already paid.
Uncomplete AmountBalance amount that should be paid.
Insce Start DateStart date of the Builder’s Insurance.
Handover DateHandover date of the Job..
Updated on 5 November, 2021

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