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Cash Flow Forecast

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You can initiate generation of the Cash Flow Forecast report by supplying the report generation criteria in the system.

On the navigational sidebar, select Manager.In the expanded Manager section, select Cash Flow Forecast. The Cash Flow Forecast page opens, as follows:

Define the report filters, as follows:

Report Filters
  1. Use Job Schedules Check the box to use the Job Schedules for calculating reporting data.
    Use Virtual Job Schedules Check the box to use the Virtual Job Schedules for calculating reporting data.
    Below you can see the table which shows the following information:
    Job Number of the Job with the Office number as prefix.


    The system shows only Jobs that meet the following criteria:

    1. Job is not finalized.
    2. Job is not in the Proceeding state.
    3. Job is not a DPP Job.
    4. Job has a Construction Schedule and the Virtual Schedule is not set. The Construction Schedule is not completed.
    Client Name of the Client who the Job attributes to.
    Site Site where the construction activities are performed.
    Draw Rule Type of the Draw Rule used for the Job.
    Virtual Schedule Construction Schedule Template which will be used for generating the Cash Flow Forecast report.
    Virtual Start Date The tentative start date for the selected Virtual Schedule. As of this date the Cash Flow Forecast report will be calculated.

Select the Construction Schedule Template for data calculation. Pick the Virtual Start Date for data calculation. When complete, click Process. The system will generate the report and will show the form with the link to view the report. Click the link to proceed to the reporting system.

Updated on December 21, 2020

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