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Monthly Contracts Manager Report

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The Monthly Contracts Manager report shows the current performance of the Salesperson over the selected month and the aggregated value over the last 12 months. The report uses the Deposit Date for report generation.

  1. Open the library with reports.
  2. Select Monthly Contracts Manager.
  3. Define criteria for generating the report, as follows:

Period Select the month or a range of months for report generation.

4. When complete, click Apply. The system generates the report, as follows:

The report shows the following information:

Report Information
JobJob number including the Office’s number as prefix.
SiteSite which the Job attributes to.
CustomerName of the Customer who the Job attributes to.
SalespersonSalesperson who completed the Sale.
HouseCode of the House Plan.
Referred byReferral source of the Client.
Contract TypeType of the contract used by the Job.
SaleDate when the Sale was completed.
DepositDate when the deposit was made.
ContractDate when the contract was signed.
Council ApprovalDate when the Job was approved by the Council.
Init Const DrawDate of the initial construction draw.
SlabSlab date of the Job.
Change Orders (incl GST)Change Orders amount in the Job including GST.
Contract (incl GST)Contract amount including GST.

The total values are calculated for each column.

Updated on November 5, 2021

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